Empowering and guiding you through your active pregnancy and beyond

Hi, I’m Liz! Let me help you exercise safely through your pregnancy journey and beyond.

Exercise and Education Professional certified in Functional Fitness for Pregnancy and Post-partum

Originally from the UK with over 15 years experience in the health and fitness industry, I am passionate about functional fitness and educating anyone that will listen about the benefits of exercise in pregnancy and motherhood. I would love to share all that I have learnt with you to make you feel empowered and confident in your journey to becoming a Strong Mama.

— Liz Quinn

Knowledge is Power

Strong Mama will provide you with the knowledge you need to adapt your training to each stage of your pregnancy journey through to early motherhood, giving you the confidence to know you are moving in a way that is safe for both you and baby.

Personalised 1:1 Consultations

Small Group Education

Home Exercise Programmes

Many people are surprised to hear that you don’t have to stop training the way you enjoy the moment you find out you’re pregnant and sprint to the nearest pregnancy group class.

Exercise is the number 1 thing you can do to reduce your risk of complications in pregnancy and birth, with functional fitness being a fantastic option to train your body in preparation for the demands of pregnancy, labour and motherhood.

Strong Mama will keep you moving in the way you enjoy, with the exercise community you love. Understanding how the body changes during pregnancy and how you should adapt exercises to cater for these changes is the key to supporting you in your active pregnancy journey, no matter what style of exercise you choose to participate in.

Hear from our Strong Mamas